Acupuncture and East Asian medicine have a long tradition of healing practices and approach to health, mostly recognized by the west as acupuncture and several other areas of practices such as its body work and moving meditation such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi.
Our doctors use classic styles of techniques of this holistic medicine to approach today’s most prevalent health issues through acupuncture, acupressure, food therapy, lifestyles, herb, breathing, relaxation exercises (Qi Gong, Tai Chi), body work (Shiatsu and Tui Na), other needle-free treatment & heat therapies, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion and more.
We also engage with organizational clients to provide coaching using traditional Chinese medicine foundational theories.
We encourage our clients and patients to cultivate both their internal and external environment as we believe self-cultivation thrives in a supportive environment, our social and natural environment is part of our holistic being and holistic healing.
Seattle Hours
Monday: 9am-6pm
Tuesday: 9am-6pm
Wednesday: 2pm-6pm
Thursday: 2pm-6pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Sedro Woolley Hours
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 2pm-6pm
Wednesday: 9pm-5pm
Thursday: 2pm-6pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
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